Protect your business
from cyber threats

A hacker attack every 39 seconds with an average of 2,244 attacks per day: that's a sad record! 65% of French companies say they have been victims of cyber attacks, with overall financial losses estimated at € 1.6 billion in 2019.

Beyond these statistics, which are increasing from year to year, we note a permanent evolution of threats. Elles touchent l’ensemble du SI des entreprises et deviennent de plus en plus complexes.

Il est d’autant plus difficile de garantir la sécurité de son SI lorsqu’il n’est plus localisé dans son entreprise mais qu’il s’étend également largement vers le Cloud.

Les Attacks are increasingly sophisticated and in many cases use social engineering to identify weak links in companies. The slightest backdoor is used to enter the IS.

GEN&SIS, a consulting company dedicated to Cybersecurity, supports you in securing your information system through its services that can be adapted to suit your environment. adaptable services depending on your environment. 

Cybersecurity Services

We offer a customized list of services tailored to your needs. 

Audit de cybersecurite pour entreprise

Cybersecurity audit

With this service, we offer you to analyze all the components of your IS,identify vulnerabilities, security breaches and to suggest the axes to correct. A detailed report will allow you to understand your main vulnerabilities, the associated risks and will incorporate our recommendations. 

Protection de votre système iformatique pour les cybers menaces


We support you on your projects in all phases of Design, Build and Run.Our Cybersecurity consultants are there to offer you the most appropriate solutions according to your context. We develop an end-to-end offer for you, including operational management of your solutions.

Conseil et gouvernance en cybersecurite pour votre entreprise

Consulting, Governance

Technology, the first brick to secure your information system must be accompanied by a governance model adapted to new threats and deployed in your company. We assist and advise you in the implementation of your governance as well as on all cybersecurity topics.

Formation a la cybersecurite pour les personnes de votre societe


La technique est importante The behavior of your users is vital to the cybersecurity of your company. We offer courses to make your employees aware of Cyber risks. These courses allow them to progress through Quizzes that we offer and through a test campaign (fake phishing emails) which will allow you to monitor their progress.

Our latest articles

Password management

Like an eternal problem that continues to create as many security breaches as ever, password management is still a real headache! Length of passwords, use of special characters, two-factor authentication ... We guide you through the solutions ...

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The “zero trust” model

Definition of the Zero Trust Model The Zero Trust model radically changes the way of thinking in the security model. It is based on a very simple idea: never trust anyone, whether the user is in or out of the company ...

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